**July 2014**
The **University National Bank** is proud to support **Outside for a Better Inside**. Believing “no child should be left inside,” advocates of Outside for a Better Inside strive to give children opportunities to play creatively outside, in hopes they will be happier, healthier, and smarter citizens. Supporters of the cause encourage Lawrence schools to enhance outdoor education programs and cooperate with the Parks and Recreation Department on trail projects in an effort to create a healthier community. Most recently, Outside for a Better Inside raised $55,000.00 in private funds for a central Lawrence trail project. These funds matched a $55,000.00 grant awarded to the group by the Sunflower Foundation. The ground for the trail is being donated by The Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center.
For more information about Outside for a Better Inside, visit the group’s webpage at http://outsideforabetterinside.org/Welcome.html.
**About The University National Bank’s Quarterly Giving Program:**
Each quarter, UNB selects a local charity they wish to support. Throughout the quarter, a community bulletin board displays information about the charity and UNB employees collect donations from customers and community members. In addition, UNB staff contributes donations by hosting several “Jeans Days.” At the end of the quarter, a check for the lump sum of the donations is presented to the charity and the members of the organization have the opportunity to tell the staff more about its efforts, goals, and additional philanthropic opportunities.